We win

when you win

Multiply is the only bilingual call center in Canada specializing in the insurance and finance field, with Canada-wide-service.

Our omni-channel approach and team of phone agents are trained in insurance matters and speak the same language as certified brokers while meticulously maintaining industry compliance. We provide tailored turnkey solutions that enable businesses to work with us, whether for business development or funnel conversion.

Rest assured that Multiply offers a unique

3x ROI Guarantee*

for all services rendered. 

  • This service involves facilitating assisted phone transfers directly to your brokers from a consumer seeking a quote for insurance products or leads generated directly from your ecosystem.

    The direct call transfer service is a tailored business development tool. It entails receiving real-time phone transfers from potential consumers. Interested customers are contacted by our proprietary warm up process. We transfer the warm call to our partner to finalize the sale.

  • All leads your business receives via the internet, email, or other platforms will be handled with proprietary Multiply Warm Up Process, and only sell-able inquiries will be directly transferred to your brokers or sales team via assisted phone calls to present opportunist and set up the closing call for success.

  • The inbound call reception service is ideal for businesses experiencing a high volume of unanswered calls or difficulty converting calls to sales. It's also an excellent option for providing service outside regular hours, during busier periods, team meetings, vacations, or to supplement a shortage of staff.

    This service is fully tailored to meet the firm's needs based on existing internal procedures. It significantly boosts a firm's productivity by effectively managing call-back priorities and increasing funnel conversion.

  • Our courtesy call service for new customer acquisitions is essential for managing churn with financial products.

    We've unequivocally demonstrated that courtesy calls during the acquisition of new clientele significantly boost customer retention. Additionally, clients express feeling valued, which strengthens their sense of belonging.

    These courtesy calls quickly prove profitable through cross-sales and portfolio supplements. We can even utilize them to suggest special offers and exclusive content for your client.

Our Founders

Luke Rorlick

Patrick Robineau

  • Co-founder

    Experienced, driven and people first, Patrick is equipped with over 25+ years of experience as a business leader and entrepreneur, Patrick Robineau co-founded Multiply with the goal of helping companies significantly improve their business from top to bottom. Patrick’s professional background includes a variety of executive positions at companies such as MBNA and Bank of America (SVP Partnerships), Laurentian Bank (VP Credit Cards and Partnerships), and M3 (President, Simplinsur), where he utilized his extensive skill set in partner management, sales, client acquisition, and customer experience to solve business challenges and improve bottom-line results.

  • Co-founder

    Strategic, attentive, passionate, Luke drives for results. From his experience of starting his own successful e-commerce company in college, to being a Director of Sales in the SAAS industry, to venturing into the real estate market as VP Growth, Luke realized that his dream is to help scale businesses. At the core of Luke Rorlick’s business values is simple: people. Luke Rorlick co-founded Multiply to help equip Canadians with the tools and processes they need to grow and realize the true potential of their businesses.



“Working with Multiply has been an amazing and beneficial experience.

They took the time to fully understand our business and its goals and objectives and quickly put in place an exceptional lead handling and cultivation process that had a significant impact on our overall close ratio. Our team of brokers loved working with them as it simplified their life and ensured that they were working on warm leads and able to focus on completing the sale. I would highly recommend any company that generates leads to work with Multiply as it will have a quick and positive impact to their business results.”

ERIC MARION VP Group Insurance at Sonnet

“Since we started working with Multiply we have seen a massive jump in our lead conversion results.

We have almost doubled our overall conversion of website generated leads to sales due to the Multiply warm-up model and live transfer capability. Integration was a breeze, and their reporting was spot-on from day 1. They were easy to work with and provided us with several very insightful observations for our overall business model, which will help in all aspects of our business. I would highly recommend the service to any business whose focus is funnel conversion. They have helped Sonnet accelerate our data driven approach to lead conversion.”

Contact us.

Feeling lost in the world of insurance and finance?
Multiplys can help! Our friendly experts are here to simplify options, answer your questions, and offer personalized guidance. Don't hesitate to reach out for a clear, helpful conversation about your needs.

Multiplys is a call center that connects you with helpful resources and information regarding insurance and finances. We are not an insurance or financial broker and cannot provide individual advice or recommendations.

Call us today and find your financial peace of mind.